Frugal Family: Getting Ready for Spring

Getting Ready for Spring

Before you set your clocks forward this spring, make sure you’re ready for spring and everything that comes with it with these tips from CreditGUARD!

Get Ready for Spring Sports

With the spring weather on the horizon, take a minute to think about expenses you might otherwise overlook — sports physicals, jerseys, safety gear, concessions, league fees, extra gas for your car — these are all little things that add up and make an impact on your budget.

Frugal Family Spring Break

If you’re strapped for cash, traveling to the beach for spring break might not be a reality for you and your family. That doesn’t mean you can’t still have a great break without breaking the bank!

Activities like camping, hiking, volunteering, planting a garden, bird watching or visiting your local library won’t put much, if any, sting in your wallet. Americans have subscribed to a certain definition of leisure that means white sand beaches, admission fees to big amusement parks and even bigger credit card bills. This doesn’t have to be your reality. Choose to find contentment in experiences that are inexpensive — you’ll probably enjoy them more knowing that you didn’t go into debt for an experience that isn’t any more satisfying than spending time with your loved ones.

Spring Cleaning

Chances are, there are a few things in your garage, storage room or attic that, upon reflection, could go to your next yard sale or to a consignment shop. Look for ways to pad your budget by selling stuff that isn’t actively adding value. A good rule of thumb is this — if you haven’t seen it in over 6 months, it’s probably not that important. A cleaner, more open space is also refreshing!

You can also challenge your children here — have them create a box of old toys and clothes that no longer fit or don’t get used. Donating these items to a family in need or a thrift store will help instill a sense of goodwill and empathy while teaching your children how to live frugally.

Spring Cleaning Your Budget

Are there line items on your budget that could be eliminated or reduced? Consider canceling that unused gym membership or cutting the cable. If you’re paying for internet service on top of a TV package, you could probably get away with canceling the cable and subscribing to a much more affordable streaming service like Hulu. You can also set up a digital antenna and pick up free channels in your area. Find the excess weight in your budget and cut it out!

Spring Forward with CreditGUARD

If you’re struggling to make your monthly credit card payments, you’re not alone! At CreditGUARD, we help scores of people just like you every day. It’s easy to get into debt — and at CreditGUARD, we make it easier to get out of debt and stay debt-free for the long haul. Call one of our certified credit counselors today at [cga_phone] to find out how!

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